Please Read: Help us, Help you

Posted by Unknown on Monday, March 17, 2014 with No comments
That time of year has come once again where The Hardwood Nation reaches out to our fans for feedback on what we can add to the make the fan experience better.  Beginning in January The Hardwood Nation Beat was created and 5 new writers were added to the staff, if you have yet to do so, check out the Beat because there's great work being done there.  Also The Hardwood Nation staff will produce original podcasts that will be posted in the very near future as well as video content.  This will be a HUGE addition to the user experience and you guys, the fans and you will get to know each of us a little better.

The Hardwood Nation also has a strong presence on Twitter and you guys can definitely communicate with us there as we all have different views on all things NBA and love to share them with all of our fans.

C.L. Anthony @hardwoodnation

Cortez Paul @inthemindofCP

Kenneth Teape @teapester725

Nick Ziegler @ziggy26X


Kendra Costa @iBleedGreenx3

Michael Kelly @Mike_Kelly7

Please leave your feedback of any kind on how we can improve and our corresponding apps in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.  We do this for you guys and thank you for being loyal fans.