NBA Q&A: Mark Cuban

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, August 11, 2013 with No comments
Courtesy of KTCK-AM

Norm Hitzges: How long a contract do you suspect you'll offer Dirk once he gets into free agency this year and you start the re-up discussion.
Mark Cuban: I have no idea. But I'll talk to Dirk about it. Pretty much whatever he wants. Dirk's got a no-trade deal, so whether it's one year, three years, 20 years, it really doesn't matter. He gets to sign and re-sign as often as he wants. The length of the contract is more about how long longer Dirk wants to play more than anything else. Particularly with a young kid, he's gonna want to spend time, but he's also going to want to get some sleep. I don't see Dirk walking away from the game anytime soon. Dirk really wants to come back and send a message to everybody that he's got a lot left. The thing about Dirk is he's skill driven. He's basketball-IQ driven, he's wins driven. He's not driven by athleticism. As long as he stays healthy, he could play for a long time. It's amazing to me that we see what Tim Duncan does, and people say, OK that's Tim Duncan. And then they dismiss Dirk as if that's a fantasy for Dirk to attain the same thing. The good news is Dirk's using that as motivation. He's motivated and I'm fired up about that. And I think we've put together some great pieces to complement him.
Norm Hitzges: What do see yourself doing in the future?
Mark Cuban: The competitive side of me, I wanna win more championships, for myself and for Dallas and for my family. I look at business as a sport. Also, far more important to me now is family. I look at the Mavs as a family asset.