NBA Q&A: Tim Hardaway Jr.

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, June 30, 2013 with No comments
Courtesy of Steve Serby 

Q: How did your dad’s criticism of you growing up affect the family?
A: He’ll get on me and like, “You’re not doing this, you’re not doing that, you’re wasting our time,” and my mom and my sister would start crying — the 11-year-old, she was probably like 6 or 7 at the time. She’ll start arguing and crying, you know, getting upset. And the 19-year-old (sister), her name is Nia, she’ll start like saying, “Dad, why are you arguing with him? Leave him alone. He’s doing the best he can.” My mom was like, “Why are you guys arguing?”, and then my dad’s like, “No, no, he’s not doing what I’m telling him to do.” And then that would just break up the family. There’d be times where I wouldn’t talk to him for like four or five straight days, ’cause it was that deep. ... And my junior year of high school, he sat up in the stands, saw I was doing everything he told me to do and he apologized, and after that, it just lifted a weight right off my shoulder.
Q: Where did he apologize?
A: On the way back home after a high school game.
Q: What had you done in the game?
A: Almost a triple double.
Q: Re-enact the scene.
A: Driving back, in the car, I’m exhausted, and then he’s like, “I’m sorry, you’re doing whatever I tell you to do. I just want to apologize. I know I’ve been hard on you, but when I see you out there you’re doing whatever I tell you to do, and I’m happy for you. You’re gonna go a long way.”
Q: Why did you feel the pressure of living up to his legacy?
A: A lot of guys that have dads that played professional in the sport that they do, don’t want to play that sport. Some guys will play another sport just so they can get away from it, make their own legacy. But you try to take advantage of that opportunity when you have a dad that, professionally, you’re playing the same sport as he is. I was really, really, really good at it at the time, my junior year, senior year of high school. know you’re gonna take criticism, you’ve been taking it all your life, so why stop? That was my mentality, “Why stop?”
Q: But if you stopped, he couldn’t criticize you.
A: It’s always something being added to your fire, and I think that’s what drives me.
Q: Is what?
A: Just criticism, and doubters, and just negativity.
Q: To prove everybody wrong?
A: Yeah.
Q: So you were driven to prove your dad wrong?
A: Yeah.
Q: And I guess you have.
A: Yup (chuckle).
Q: What did he tell you after the Knicks drafted you?
A: He was like, “Well, I can’t be seen in orange and blue.” He said, “I’m happy for you. You deserved it, take advantage of this opportunity, it only happens once. I’m happy for you that your dreams came true.”
Q: What did your mom tell you?
A: She was kinda upset because I didn’t give her a hug because I got up, and I didn’t believe what happened, and then everybody was just coming right to left and I was like, “Where’s my mom?” And she’s all the way in the back. I sat down with her for like 10 minutes and just talked about the whole situation. She’s just happy, and I’m happy for her.
Q: You cried when you were drafted?
A: Yeah, my sister was crying, so I was like, “Why are you doing that?” My little sister, she’s 11. I wasn’t crying, I was like, “Yes!” And then I looked at her and then I just broke down, ’cause she’s like one of my all time fans, my best friend, she talks to me all the time.
Q: Why are you and Nia so close?
A: Just because she’s always around me, she wants to do what I do. I play video games with her all the time. When she’s playing Xbox Kinect, I’m on there dancing with her and doing whatever I can just to stay involved with her, and she loves it.
Q: What was it like when you would go to Heat games and watch your dad play the Knicks?
A: There’s gonna be a fight. ... You already knew it was gonna be an all-out war when you were going to the game, and that’s why I wanted to go to the game so I could see it (chuckle).
Q: Did your father get into any particular brawls when you were there?
A: No, not at all, but he definitely got into people’s faces and stuff, but no like punches or anything like that.
Q: How would you describe your on-court mentality?
A: It’s not like his, his is totally different. Sometimes, when I’m in the moment, I could get to his intensity level, you could just see it in my face when I’m playing sometimes ... very, very passionate ... confidence and ... I’m just trying to go out there and give it my all while I’m playing.
Q: Describe your killer instinct?
A: When you have an opportunity to take advantage of someone do it, ’cause it might not happen again. I’m just trying to learn it from my father. ... It’s a mentality you have to have.
Q: What do you remember about those old Knicks teams?
A: They were just junkyard dogs. They had guys on their team that, when you went to the rack, you’re getting fouled, no matter how you land, no matter if you get hurt or not. It was big-boy basketball.
Q: Sounds like playing against Michigan State.
A: Yeah. Oh yeah (smile). Exactly the same.
Q: What do you know about Carmelo Anthony?
A: I know he’s from New York (chuckle) and Syracuse. ... A prolific scorer, he gets the crowd involved, and that’s what I like, he’s very, very energized when he’s playing. And once he gets going, it’s kinda hard to stop him. It’s gonna be great just to play alongside of him, and just be his teammate.
Q: Have you met coach Mike Woodson?
A: I met him when we came on our pre-draft workout here.
Q: Any first impressions?
A: He grew his beard out (smile).
Q: What kind of impact do you think you can make as a rookie?
A: I think I’ll just be a guy that could be an energy giver, not an energy drainer, play solid defense, knock down wide open shots when the ball’s passed to me, and just be an all-around type of player ... make just simple plays, don’t overdo things like I said, and just try to go out there and have fun.
Q: Tell me about your mom.
A: One definition I can give you about my mom is she made me the man who I am today. She was there when my dad wasn’t at home, he was on the road all the time playing games, so she was that mother and father figure. She would take us to school and pick us up from school and fix dinner, make sure we had clothes on our back, take us to our games, athletic events. ... She was just the ultimate mom — Supermom. So I thank her for that, and none of this would have been possible of it wasn’t for her.
Q: Are you more like your mom than your dad?
A: I’m more like my mom.
Q: How so?
A: I’m just closer with her. I mean, I can have a conversation with her for three hours, and we can talk about nothing. It’s just a comfort thing that I’ve had with her ever since I was little.
Q: How often have you been to New York City?
A: My first time in New York City was when we played here for the NIT tournament this past season. We walked around Times Square.
Q: What did you think?
A: It was awesome. It was great (chuckle).
Q: How are you going to like playing in this market?
A: It’s gonna be great. Madison Square Garden is one of **** the **** best, if not the most historical venues in sports. And to play in front of a crowd that loves their sports, it’s gonna be great, it’s gonna be insane, and that’s what you grow up to play in front of.
Q: Describe your first time playing at the Garden.
A: It was the NIT tournament against Pitt, came back and got a victory, and all I can remember is just Michigan alumni fans out the wazoo in the arena, and I know I’m home because of the Michigan alumni here, and I’m gonna be very comfortable.
Q: Why did you ask the Knicks to put Jr. on the back of your jersey?
A: . I’ve been doing that ever since college, and I think it shows a sign of respect that I’m playing behind him, and I’m following in his footsteps.
Q: Any thoughts when you see those banners up there at the practice facility?
A: Willis Reed, walking back out. ... Patrick Ewing played against my dad. ... Walt Frazier, ’cause I can’t wear his number (10) (smile). ... Another thing I don’t see is a world championship banner for our era. Want to work towards that.
Q: Why No. 5 for you?
A: That was my dad’s rookie number.
Q: Describe Michigan coach John Coach Beilein.
A: He’s definitely a teacher of the game.
Q: Did you play football?
A: I tried out football in ninth grade, my dad said stop. He didn’t want me to do it. He was scared ’cause he tore his ACL, so he just wants to make sure that I don’t do the same thing.
Q: What position did you play?
A: Wide receiver, cornerback. That’s when I was smaller at the time.
Q: Did you catch any big touchdowns?
A: I didn’t catch one on offense then, but I got an interception and I ran it back for a touchdown.
Q: Did you spike it?
A: Naw, can’t spike it.
Q: Do a dance in the end zone?
A: You can’t dance, you can’t taunt, in high school.
Q: Favorite basketball players growing up?
A: Michael Jordan, my dad, Vince Carter, Tracy McGrady.
Q: Impressions of Nets first-round pick Mason Plumlee of Duke.
A: I worked out with him in Chicago this past summer. Very, very athletic ... can run the court, has an unbelievable motor ... grabs rebounds where a lot of people can’t grab ’em. ... He’s just an all-out competitor.
Q: What was your best single college moment?
A: Ohio State at home this past year. We were playing in our all-maize uniforms when they had the all-red jerseys on — aka the Ketchup and Mustard game. And it was just six out of [nine] 3s, five in the second half in a row, just trying to bring my team back [for a 76-74 overtime win].
Q: Worst single college moment — losing the NCAA championship game to Louisville?
A: Yeah, that was very, very disappointing ... and losing to Indiana at home this past year.
Q: You played in the A-Rod Classic.
A: I had 42 that game. I played so good that Rod Strickland was like, “We need you to de-commit from Michigan,” just jokingly (smile). That was the most packed high school gym I’ve seen. ... It felt like a Rucker Park kinda game.
Q: You met Alex Rodriguez at the luncheon?
A: Everybody met him, everybody got an autographed baseball.
Q: Any impressions of him?
A: I thought he was really, really tall. I thought he was like 6-5, 6-6. He looks so tall on TV. He was shorter than I thought.
Q: Superstitions?
A: I gotta eat, leave at the same time, get to the court at the same time before every game.
Q: Anything special you eat?
A: If the game goes well, then I’ll continue to eat the same thing. And if it doesn’t, I’ll switch it up.
Q: You like cartoons?
A: Yeah. “Phineas and Ferb” is my favorite cartoon. Every time I just watch it, I just laugh every time, and I normally watch it with my sisters, and some of the things that they do are creative, and it’s just fun to watch.
Q: Three dinner guests?
A: Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Michael Jordan.
Q: Favorite movie?
A: “Love and Basketball.”
Q: Favorite actors?
A: Will Ferrell, Will Smith, Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler.
Q: Favorite actresses?
A: Halle Berry, Jennifer Aniston.
Q: Favorite meal?
A: Sushi.
Q: Any message for Knicks fans?
A: All I know is I’m gonna give it my all. No matter how good or how bad I play, I’m gonna give 110 percent. And I’m not gonna let them down.