NBA Q&A: Kevin Martin

Posted by Unknown on Monday, May 13, 2013 with No comments

Courtesy of John Rohde

Coach Scott Brooks was saying he doesn't need you or Thabo Sefolosha or Nick Collison to be heroes with Russell Westbrook out. He just wants you to do what you do. Does it feel like there's more pressure involved than that?
Martin: “No. If you look at it, it's still the exact same role. I'm still coming off the bench, still getting the same minutes. Nick is in his same role. So we just have to continue to do what we're doing and do it at a high clip.”
It seems like you all are in the right frame of mind despite being down 2-1 and not shooting well.
“Yeah, I think we are. It just comes down to making shots. That's something we've done all year and we're not really dwelling over that. We know it will come. We just still have to keep on doing other things and it'll turn around.”
Though you both shot 6 for 17 from the field, wasn't there a moment in Game 3 where you and Serge Ibaka got clicking a little bit?
“Yeah, we've just got to keep that moment going. There's something that's just not clicking for us right now, but we're comfortable shooting the ball, so that's what's we've just got to keep on doing.”
Some have said you and Serge have been asked to play a different role than you have been all year and it takes a little while to adjust to it.
“Yeah, but we're fine. That's no excuse for us right now. We just have to do what we're supposed to do.”
Why haven't you guys gotten to the free-throw line more?
“I don't really know. I guess we've just got to keep on attacking like we were and hopefully the whistle's in our favor. We'll attack and see what happens. We've been being aggressive. Unfortunately, the whistle hasn't been going our way.”
What more can Kevin Durant do for you guys?
“Just being Kevin. Just come out here and do what he does. He doesn't have to do any more than what he's already doing. He's playing at a special level and hopefully will continue to.”
Are they making it hard for you to finish at the rim?
“No. Did you see Serge's two dunks? He was wide open. I missed a couple layups, so we just have to finish those.”