Kevin Durant "I'm going to be who I'm going to be"

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, May 16, 2013 with 10 comments
Kevin Durant recently stated that despite his Thunder losing in the NBA's conference semi's that the year wasn't wasted as some critics may suggest.  Some players in the past may have considered a non championship season a waste but not Durant.  When Durant was reminded of Kobe Bryant stating their 2011 playoff loss was a wasted year, Durant responded with the following.

“I don’t give a damn. I’m going to be who I’m going to be,” Durant said. “I’m not Kobe Bryant. I’m not Michael Jordan. I’m not LeBron James. I’m not Magic Johnson. I’m me. I’m not going to ever compromise myself, my integrity and what I believe in for winning some basketball games and winning a championship. That’s just not I how I was brought up. I’m always going to fight for this game I love. I’m going to claw until the last buzzer sounds. And if that’s after a championship then of course I’ll be happy. I’m not satisfied just being in this league and losing. I’m going to work as hard as I can to try to get to that mountaintop. I enjoy playing the game. I enjoy being here. But I’m never going to come out to the media and say we wasted a year because we lost a championship. Like I said, I don’t have to be Kobe Bryant.”