Perkins talks regaining focus

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, December 26, 2012 with 2 comments
For the 5th time straight the Miami Heat defeated the Oklahoma City Thunder.  They can seemingly disrupt OKC's team rhythm at any time with little effort.  After the game Kendrick Perkins stated the following.   

“I just feel like — never overreacting to a loss — we just got to start getting back to who we are as individuals,” Perkins said. “Turning off the TV and stop looking at articles on ourselves and start just losing ourselves in the team a little bit more than the sky's the limit....We just got to start knowing what got us here and what each guy did to get us to this point,” Perkins said. “We just got to make sure we start knowing who we are and what we are and what we mean to this team as individuals and the rest will take care of itself.”