Barkley reminds us who the best team in New York is

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, November 28, 2012 with 2 comments
NBA Hall of Fame member Charles Barkley loves to share his version of the truth and recently he again took a shot at the New York Knicks which is nothing new considering he's taken shots at the Knicks ever since the Knicks came to town.  

"The Nets are the best team. You take away Carmelo Anthony, the Nets are better at every other position. Also, the (Nets) got a better bench than the Knicks. They've got a better team....Brooklyn has a better bench," he said. "I love Reggie Evans. To me, the 'X' factor is Andray Blatche. ... They put a good team together and I want to give (Nets general manager) Billy King some credit ... they've got a lot of weapons."