Tom Thibodeau’s contract a non-issue

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, April 04, 2012 with No comments
After grumblings last week in Chicago that Bulls Head Coach Tom Thibodeau wanted a contract extension and was privately wondering why the Bulls had yet to grant said extension, Bulls GM Gar Foreman addressed the situation yesterday.

“We want Tom to be our coach for a long time, and I know Tom wants to coach the Chicago Bulls,” Forman said “We initiated extension talks with him last fall, which really is probably unprecedented in the NBA after one year, but we think that highly of Tom. Our talks were very productive. When our season started, both sides agreed to table those talks until after the season...It’s our objective to have Tom as coach of the Bulls long-term, and I think it’s Tom’s objective to be the coach of the Bulls. Usually when your objectives are the same, you should be able to reach a resolution.”